I have been looking forward to 300. Not because I have read the graphic novel, but because I did not see "Sin City" on the big screen. I regretted that when I watched the DVD. What I liked about SC was that it transferred a comic book to the big screen the way in which "Dick Tracy" tried to do and, utltimately, failed. I did not think that SC was a very good film, but it had style.

Watching the trailer for 300 reminded me of SC. Of course, both films are from genre writer/artist Frank Miller. Even though the entire film looked CG-ish, that was the point. It had a style that was not realistic, but was very comic-booky. A complaint one friend had was that the Spartans did wear armor, where in the movie they are all bare chested. For me, I thought the actors looked fantastic. Even the various Persians looked incredible. Believe me, I am sure that was not the only historical inaccuracy.

This movie was fun. Over blown, over dramatic, over stylized, and taking itself way to seriously. But, man, was it fun, and well worth the price of admission.


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