The Perfect Summer - the Fifth Movie

I think what Charles meant to write down in his notes under "5" but forgot to do because he was not taking notes and was too preoccupied dreaming of a Star Wars re-release in order to do so, was Raiders of the Lost Ark.

5. Leave it to George Lucas and Steven Spielberg to reinvent the adventure genre. Raiders had it all -- an unlikely hero, a gutsy girlfriend, exotic locales, a grand quest, high adventure, sinister villains, close escapes, mystery and intrigue, Nazis, great fight sequences, fabulous set pieces and a sense of humor. Oh -- and did I mention it had Harrison Ford at the top of his game? And most importantly, it was something many of us had never seen before, or something a good many more had not seen in very long time. Raiders rounds out the top five perfect summer movies.


Chuck said…
Yes!!! That was it!!! I really need to take some notes before venturing onto list. You know me too well.

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