On the Trash Heap of My Memory

I saw many great flicks at the University of South Carolina's Russell House Theater back in the 1980s.

Though it was my number three venue behind the Nickelodeon and the long-defunct Bijou, there were memorable screenings there, including the work print of Blade Runner and my favorite film, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

The marquee for the Russell House Theater was discovered in a pile of junk at the government surplus store on Boston Avenue in West Columbia.
Photo by Tim Hill.


Chuck said…
Ah yes, the Russell House Theater. I remember the sign well. I believe I once endured Chitty Chitty Bang Bang there.
Caryn Kirk said…
This image makes me sad! I saw very few films there... but I do recall catching "Westside Story" there with Michael Croan during our freshman year. "In the 50's, everyone used to break out dancing like that," said Croan.

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